Sunday, November 10, 2019

African American Literature Essay

African American writing is outstandingly interesting, and very informative. All African American writers observe cultural dealing in related and diverse understandings. The three stories that I decided to talk about in this task is â€Å"To my old Master† by Jourdon Anderson, â€Å"My White Folks Treated us Good† by Marriah Hines, and â€Å"If we must die† by Claude McKay. In these stories they observed prejudice, discrimination, and inclusive behaviors throughout the years. The writers open the reader’s eyes to things that were going on in each writer’s life. We will see that each writer was going through the same thing being an African American in America. â€Å"My White Folks treated us good† by Marriah Hines (p. 32). She talked about how her master took care of them by nourishing, the way he dressed them and how he did not hold them back from them developing. The women were right when she said it was exploitation of former slaves. She specified â€Å"Some unfortunate individuals practically have nothing to eat. Why, the way their owners treated them was disgraceful treated them like felines and canines† (Hines, p.32). Hines made remarks about how her master did not permit them to work on Sundays because it was a day for rest. Hines made it clear how nice it was to work for the master that she worked for. She was treated with respect she was not beaten, raped or injured by her master. She told the readers the different between her master and other masters, how others so him as an African American lover. Her master was a religious person went to church and always encourage the slaves to go to church also but did not care if they did not. Even when the slaves were set free the slaves wanted to stay. â€Å"Most of us stayed right there and raised our own crops. † (p. 34). She concluded the way she was able to survive was because of her master. When the slaves became free Hines master gave them cows and mules in order to be successful running their own farms. She was free but she remained loyal to her master and his family until he died and the family moved away. In the story â€Å"To my old Master† by Jourdon Anderson, this is a letter in return t previous correspondence f his old master. The master want Anderson and his family to come back and work for him, is this master being weak, because the slaves did all the work nad things not getting done. The reader can see how the master mistreats the slaves. Anderson states, â€Å"Although you shot at me twice before I left you, I did not want to hear of your being hurt, and I am glad you still living†. (p. 15). Anderson continues to have a discussion on how he and his family are doing well after slavery how their new life is just that new. He tells the master how his kids are getting an education, and how well he is doing making money. One of things that Anderson was afraid of if he went back to work for the old master and that was would he be treated like the last time. The reader knows that Anderson wife Mandy is against going back because she does not believe that things will not change. I think Anderson did not feel commutable going back either because of what he said â€Å"We have concluded to test your sincerity by asking you to send us our wages for the time we served you† (p. 16). How Anderson seen it this was a step toward healing the broken working relationship between him and his master. What Anderson wanted was to be paid back for all the work that he put in. He served his master for 32 years and his wife served for 20 years. Anderson continues to discuss how the master mistreated women and how he was afraid of bring his daughter back in to that environment. Anderson stated â€Å"I would stay here and starve and die, if it comes to that then to have my girl bought to shame by violence and wickedness of their master†. (p. 16). Anderson was harboring about going back but I think he knew he could not go back to his old master. By doing that it was a step back and not a move forward. â€Å"If we must die† this poem is by Claude McKay. This was a poem about how African Americans people were horribly treated by White Americans. This poem discuss about how African Americans stood up for themselves, if it took physical or even if it cost their life. McKay stated â€Å"though far be more numerous than let us show us courageous. Like men we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack, pressed to the wall, dying but fighting back† (p. 378). This statement is a strong statement. The author was trying to tell the African American men that even when things don’t look good and it don’t look like a way out just keep fighting. In the poem â€Å"If we must die† McKay states â€Å"If we must die, let it not be like a hog, hunted and penned in an inglorious spot† (p. 378). Even today we as African Americans still find ourselves fighting to be part of America. The problems that ascend with African Americans are being used just because of the color of our skins. The event with Trayvon Martin the young 17 year old boy shot down because of the way he dressed and the way the young man looked. To this day we are still dealing with racism and it seems like America will always have to deal with racism. Civilization still has not come as far as they would like to have faith in. America has taken its chances to change and to make a harmony with every American. As we have read these stories from three different writers they all have something in common and that was that they were dealing with the same problem. All three writers was part of that culture that was oppressed and left to be defeated. But as one of the writers said when things are bad and we keep getting beat up just keep fighting and we will progress through.

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